Sunday, October 12, 2008


I'm soooo cold!!! Did you guys notice the sudden decrease in temperature? I had to search for my lip balm before my lips cracked!!! I'm so happy we have a week off for October break!!! I get to go to Chandler Mall tomorrow!!! My brother said when he went to hot topic (don't ask why he was at hot topic...) with his friend like last month he saw a Twilight pin that said
"forget the Jonas Bros. I want the Cullen Bros." I'm soooo gonna buy that pin!!!


Nick said...

WHat Da FrIIK does ( dont ask why he was at hot topic) Mean h4x 1337 ?????

Mady said...

It means someone like you usually doesn't shop at hot topic. And don't use that tone or type of language with me mister! Nick use reall english when you speak!